Friday, September 19, 2008

L&P@CML Image Generators

Being what McLuhan called "print oriented," I've had more fun with word generators. And I like the post-modern joy of a blog creator for weary bloggers. Try it here:

Soon you to can have results like the following without having to think at all; you'll finally be able to satisfy that nagging need to blog while still having time for a life.

"Abject apologies I just returned from my daily swim on the beautiful Fijian beach and realised I have not updated this since Paris Hilton was in jail... You would not believe I spend all my time in front of a computer. Apologies to my regular readers! Even the little blue ones!.

I am absolutely consumed with only your readership as life preserver, choosing my retirement village, just generally being of great concern to the secret service, my day is dreadfully busy from the first cockadoodledoo from the rooster to I run out of alcohol. I am putting money aside so I can run away. it will be fun fun fun till they take my TBird away.

I won't promise anything to you but that when the weather turns bad, I will blog more often. No, really! This is for my ever faithful, devoted public."

No good? Well, at least it was quick and easy and fun.

Signed (it being International Talk Like a Pirate Day, and having used a pirate name generator),

Iron Black Mike

1 comment:

Unknown said... has hundreds of online image makers to play with. Create pics with your text, digital photos or live webcam!