Friday, September 19, 2008

L&P@CML: Twitter

Tweet, tweet!

At least one academic library (or so I have seen reported in the liteature) has begun to use Twitter with students, tweeting about new item arrivals and library hours and library closures due to weather (generally snow emergencies in their case--they used it for this purpose this past year).

It seems a good way to make the library visible, but they have a more captive audience than do we in the public library realm.

If we were to learn that enough customers were following our tweets, it could be a good way to market the collection ("New Janet Evanovich "Tortuous 24" arrived today--Get it at the Library!") or to advise about hours/closures, etc.

Personally, I wouldn't use Twitter, at least now. I'm strained enough to have time to do everything I need to do without taking an extra minute on top of it to tweet what I'm doing. I might someday set up a cell phone to receive tweets from others, if they wanted me to knwo what they were doing in this way.

What am I doing? I typing a tweet about how I'm using Twitter to type a tweet.

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