Friday, September 19, 2008

L&P@CML: Library Thing

I've known about LibraryThing for years and have visited it with the reference classes I teach, but I've never set up an account before. Maybe I'm not a big enough library geek (though how much bigger a geek could one ask for than someone who works in a library and teaches about librarianship too?) to want a catalog of my books--I hardly have time to do what is much more important, namely read them. At Dublin Branch, many of the librarians/LAs use LibraryThing to track what they have read to provide good reads for Reader's Advisory purposes. This is an excellent practical use for the site. I'm encouraging people to put reviews on our branch wiki as well to provide a pool of RA choices in one place, however, rather than having to know everyone's LibraryThing URL.

It's interesting that LibraryThing is entering into partnerships to be part of LibraryLand's various catalog overlays.

Here's my LibraryThing link, such as it is:


"A catalog is good, but knowledge is better."

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